How To Get a Life Experience Degree Online

It may sound corny, but you can get a life-experience degree online. This is not just a feature of unaccredited online degree scams, but can now be had straight from reputable, accredited universities. This is ideal for those without a lot of extra money for tuition and time for getting into a regular degree program.

What is Life-Experience?

The basis of life-experience degrees is what you have done in your life that relates to a degree program. When you get a life-experience degree online, it is a way of saying you didn't do formal classes in the field, but you have in-the-field training that more than makes up for what you would have learned from textbooks and lectures. Most life-experience is attained in work environments as you move up the ladder in a career area. Generally, when you lack a degree you will hit a ceiling in your career where they won't promote you any more, simply because you lack a degree. They will start promoting people from below you for the positions you want simply because the promoted candidate has a degree.

But don't think that a reputable university is just going to hand you a degree because of verifiable information you put on a resume. And, it isn't worth your time to apply to get a life-experience degree online from an institution from which you have not verified accreditation. These unverified types of degrees may come from a scam artist, and will not only get scoffed at, but also get you in legal trouble. The reputable universities will want ample proof of experience and may require you to take challenge tests to demonstrate your knowledge before granting you course credits. If you lack a vital skill, you may have to take a class or two, while the rest of your skills will be credited toward your life experience degree online. If you prove yourself to meet all of the life-experience requirements you may receive your degree within the month!

Life-experience educational credits in place of coursework have actually been around for many years. In many places life-experience has even been required for course credit under terminology you might be more familiar with such as "internship", "work experience", and "clinicals". The concept of reputable universities giving an entire degree for life-experience is not new, but was very rare until now. Now that it is common and available with accreditation, people who have worked a long time in a field should consider their options to get life-experience degrees online. If this is you, wouldn't you like to add something to your resume or employee file that could get you a higher salary and possibly a promotion?

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