Don't be fooled when you are looking for an accredited life experience degree. Some accredited colleges and universities do allow you to earn credit for life-experiences, but they do not allow you to earn your entire degree through experiences.
You cannot earn an accredited life experience degree based only on your life-experiences. Some learning programs consider students' real experience and grant credits accordingly. There is some on-campus and online universities that offer students credit reductions for proven work experience and knowledge in a relevant field. The degree is mostly used as a search tool for a job and is not as impressive as the traditional degree.
Be careful, there are literally hundreds of institutions online offering a degree which could be fraudulent or illegal. Some institutions will reveal their accreditation status and some will try to fool you into thinking that they are a regionally accredited institution.
There are diploma mills that offer college accredited life experience degree programs and have no accreditation from an official accreditation board. Many of these types of institutions claim they have accreditation but they use a fake accrediting agency to make their accredited life-experience degree programs more attractive and also it makes them look more legitimate.
You can get an idea of a university's general quality and reputation by its accreditation status. By attending regionally and nationally accredited universities you can be assured of a basic level of quality in education and services, your credits can most likely be transferable to other accredited institutions and your degree will most likely be recognized by colleges and employers as a legitimate credential.
Institutions are required to meet certain standards that the accreditation board establishes in order to become accredited. They are evaluated by their educational practices, policies, administration, financial standing, student services and their mission. If the institution is not listed on the U.S. Department of Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies then they are not a nationally recognized agency or The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Before enrolling in a school make sure you check with the school's admissions or the school's counseling office to see if they will consider your outside experience and if they give credits for your outside knowledge and experience, many do not. Applying for accredited life experience degrees is not an easy task as you may think. It will take some time organizing and putting together your documents. You may be required to complete an experience application, present your work in a portfolio, provide references, meet with school officials and pass required test to obtain the credit which you are asking for.
In conclusion, if you are still interested in a degree and you have knowledge and experience in your field, but you have no diploma and you believe that an accredited life experience degree could give you some of the recognition you worked so hard for then consider only the regionally accredited programs to obtain your degree.
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You cannot earn an accredited life experience degree based only on your life-experiences. Some learning programs consider students' real experience and grant credits accordingly. There is some on-campus and online universities that offer students credit reductions for proven work experience and knowledge in a relevant field. The degree is mostly used as a search tool for a job and is not as impressive as the traditional degree.
Be careful, there are literally hundreds of institutions online offering a degree which could be fraudulent or illegal. Some institutions will reveal their accreditation status and some will try to fool you into thinking that they are a regionally accredited institution.
There are diploma mills that offer college accredited life experience degree programs and have no accreditation from an official accreditation board. Many of these types of institutions claim they have accreditation but they use a fake accrediting agency to make their accredited life-experience degree programs more attractive and also it makes them look more legitimate.
You can get an idea of a university's general quality and reputation by its accreditation status. By attending regionally and nationally accredited universities you can be assured of a basic level of quality in education and services, your credits can most likely be transferable to other accredited institutions and your degree will most likely be recognized by colleges and employers as a legitimate credential.
Institutions are required to meet certain standards that the accreditation board establishes in order to become accredited. They are evaluated by their educational practices, policies, administration, financial standing, student services and their mission. If the institution is not listed on the U.S. Department of Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies then they are not a nationally recognized agency or The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Before enrolling in a school make sure you check with the school's admissions or the school's counseling office to see if they will consider your outside experience and if they give credits for your outside knowledge and experience, many do not. Applying for accredited life experience degrees is not an easy task as you may think. It will take some time organizing and putting together your documents. You may be required to complete an experience application, present your work in a portfolio, provide references, meet with school officials and pass required test to obtain the credit which you are asking for.
In conclusion, if you are still interested in a degree and you have knowledge and experience in your field, but you have no diploma and you believe that an accredited life experience degree could give you some of the recognition you worked so hard for then consider only the regionally accredited programs to obtain your degree.
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