Looking For a Christian Counseling Degree Online?

As a member of the body of Christ, do you feel overloaded with signals telling you that your fellow members are hurting, neglected, or even hemorrhaging emotionally? Do you often feel like a paramedic who rushes to resuscitate a comatose man, only to kneel by his side and find that you lack the skill and strength to follow through?

Are you tossed about on the waves of conflicting needs: the needs of your family, the needs of the needy, the demands of your job, and your own oft-neglected needs for personal space and down-time?

Do you feel pressed down by the weight of financial responsibilities that hinder you in your ability to fulfill your spiritual calling to comfort the brokenhearted?

If so, then maybe a Christian counseling degree can help you gather the scattered pieces of your heart and passions, and bring you to a centered place of peace, rest, and greater effectiveness in ministry.

A good Christian counseling program teaches students how to find balance, and set boundaries to preserve their own well-being and that of their families. Additionally, it equips graduates for gainful employment, enabling them to fulfill their financial obligations while heeding the cries of humanity.

However, about balance: nothing can upset the balance of a life more than attempting to add one more thing (such as going to school) to an already overloaded plate of responsibility. This is where an online program that's specifically-tailored to fit your needs can bring you back to the balanced place of remembering Jesus' promise that his yoke is easy, and his burden is light.

Since there are myriad programs, how do you narrow your search so you can devote more time to analyzing the programs that most closely match your ministry calling, and also are the best fit for your family and pocketbook? Consider the benefits of utilizing a company that's specifically focused on helping you do exactly that!

Such a company is similar to a good Bible concordance. Imagine skimming your Bible in search of the verse that promises God's compassions "are new every morning." Now, contrast that with the ease and efficiency of doing a word search in your online or handheld concordance!

Such a resource streamlines your efforts by compiling the truly relevant data for you, allowing you time to do a more in-depth search of the programs that meet your criteria. Interested? Contact our office today!

Online Degree

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